Wristcutters: A Love Story (film, dir. Dukic, 2006) [F16]

The first of our Stripped Media film crossovers finds Sam Clements & Louise Owen of the 90 Minute Or Less Film Festival joining regular SbS hosts Sam & Martin for the only Tom Waits film short enough for us to both discuss. With some mixed feelings about the effectiveness of the film, albeit with general enthusiasm for specific elements, we debate some of the details of this debut film by Dukić and try to trace the reasons for some of its shortcomings.

Music extracts used for illustrative/review purposes include:
Wristcutters Trailer, via YouTube (dir. Goran Dukić, 2006)

Tom Waits - The Acting Years, Leigh Singer supercut (2019)

Log into the Spotify web player to hear these tracks.