Our final discussion around The Black Rider continues from last week, as Martin and Sam get Burroughs quotes wrong (“Do what you will, that is the whole of the law” obviously being an Alistair Crowley quote, you idiot Sam, how did you miss that?!?), talk about the problematic autobiographical elements of the story, and what the lack of subtlety in this play means. Thanks for sticking with us through this very complicated season 15, and we’ll be back in the New Year with some... more accessible music.

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Music extracts used for illustrative/review purposes include:
The Black Rider: The Casting of the 12 Magic Bullets (filmed at the Weiner Festwochen, via YouTube), Wilson/Burroughs/Waits (1990)

The Black Rider: The Casting of the 12 Magic Bullets (filmed at the Barbican Centre, London, via YouTube), Wilson/Burroughs/Waits (2004)

The Black Rider song breakdown from The Tom Waits Library
Log into the Spotify web player to hear these tracks.