Returning for another eclectic selection of tracks, Amanda, Martin and Sam listen to a pescatarian jailbreak tune, an unusually conversational murder ballad, and Waits-does-Attenborough. We consider the possible origins of Widow's Grove, truth and fiction in insect monologues, and the value of seafood-based escapology.

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Music extracts used for illustrative/review purposes include:
Fish In The Jailhouse, Orphans: Brawlers Bawlers & Bastards, Tom Waits (2006)

Widow's Grove, Orphans: Brawlers Bawlers & Bastards, Tom Waits (2006)

Army Ants, Orphans: Brawlers Bawlers & Bastards, Tom Waits (2006)

Twilight Zone/Twilight Tone, Extensions, The Manhattan Transfer (1979)

Open Air, Wireless Original Audio Drama, feat. Amanda Gordon as Ruby (2022)
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