With some disagreement and friction, Martin and Sam discuss some of the musical borrowings and stylistic repetitions in this track from Foreign Affairs. Debating cliche, originality and their place in pop music, as well as Mary Hopkins’s contribution to the theme in a very similar track, Song by Song returns for another discussion on Tom Waits.

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Music extracts used for illustrative/review purposes include:
A Sight For Sore Eyes, Foreign Affairs, Tom Waits (1977)

Those Were The Days, Single, Mary Hopkin (1968)

Auld Lang Syne, The Sound of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (2013)

Lullaby (Wiegelied, Op. 49, No. 4), Songs from the Arc of Life, Johannes Brahms/Yo-Yo Ma/Kathryn Stott (2015)

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